Biryukov Alexey Alekseevich

General director of Balchug Clinic, Embryologist
Saratov State University

Work experience: 13 years.
Graduated from the Saratov State University in 2007.
Passed the program of professional retraining in Microbiology on the basis of the Unified Center of Additional Professional Education, Moscow, 2021, has a Certificate in Microbiology.
Master’s degree in Clinical Embryology at the University of Dundee, UK, 2014.

Advanced training
Completed thematic advanced training in Embryology at the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after Otto, St. Petersburg, 2012,
Completed an internship at the Department of Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Ninewells Hospital, 2014,
Embryology Laboratory set-up course, Bourn Hall Clinic, UK, 2013,
Vitrification course, Cryotech, Japan, 2012.

Area of research interests
Embryology, sperm selection, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis.

Additional Information
Master's thesis is devoted to the study of sperm selection for IVF/ICSI. Based on the results of the work, the invention patent (RU2535359C1) was received. Supervisor - Professor Christopher Barratt - one of the authors of the WHO guidelines for examination and processing of human ejaculate.
Worked in leading IVF clinics in Moscow and Bangkok.
Performed more than 5,000 IVF/ICSI programs, as a result of which more than 1,000 children were born.
Эмбриолог Бирюков Алексей Алексеевич